Can diabetics eat dates?

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           Although dates are a fruit with a high sugar content. Explained that the sugar in dates is mostly fructose. Which is a sugar found in fruits. The body can absorb fructose without insulin. In other words, the body can use fructose as energy immediately without waiting for insulin to bring the sugar from dates into the cells. Therefore, it reduces the chance that sugar from dates will remain in the bloodstream due to insulin not working well and not being secreted.สมัคร ufabet   

In addition, conducted research on diabetic patients by having them eat and found. That eating did not increase the patients’ blood sugar levels.

However, even though have a low glycemic index that diabetic patients can eat. They are consider a high-sugar fruit, so the amount should be limited to no more than 4 per day. In addition, be careful of sugar from other types of food you eat.

* Do dates make you fat?

           are a fruit that when eat, the body will feel refreshed immediately because it contains fructose sugar that the body can use as energy. Therefore, if you eat dates when you feel like eating something sweet. By eating only 1-4 dates per day and controlling your diet, you may not gain weight.

           In addition, Also contain vitamin B3. Which helps in burning food, has fiber, helps in digestion and excretion, and is a fruit that is free of cholesterol and low in fat. However, if you accidentally eat too many. The kind that you can eat by the kilo at one time. You may gain weight instead of losing weight.